Thursday, January 14, 2010


So around this time of the year people are either keeping their resolutions, "A new year, A new Me!" while others are thinking... "How can I tweak my resolution?" of course there are those who say.. "Resolution... did I make one?"

Well my resolution is one I intend on following through with. I made this resolution after much thought, and not on January 1st, I made it right before the New Year.

Let me break it down a little first before I jump in and spill. So I am that person who you call, and if I don't pick up I will call you back promptly. I am the one who knows a lot of random information. So when you need something I can get it, and I am really good at problem solving. I help my friends with what ever they need, and don't expect much in return. I am there always, even if it's for a cup of coffee or to celebrate something. The people who are in my life I value greatly, and love them all.

The things I expect in return from my friends are what I think as basic things, friendship, trust and love. Having said that, I get hurt, a lot. I get stood up, I don't get called back, when I need someone often they are to busy, and I have been lied to by the people I love.

Now.. This is where my resolution comes in. I have forgiven many of them several times, maybe more times then some would say is deserved even. I am still that friend who is there and I usually don't complain. But now.. I am stopping it. I only want people in my life that I can trust, that I can call and they will answer, and people who don't stand me up!

I know this sounds harsh, but I have been thinking about why this happens, and the only thing I can think of is that they were not real friends to begin with so why be friends now?

1 comment:

  1. Dear beautiful Sara - Live generously in the present moment and it will all fall together. Miss you and hope you are well.
