Seriously?!? Are you kidding me? How can these people call themselves Christians?
I was sick to my stomach, there were kids involved here. Those poor kids are probably about 8 or 9 and I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't even read the signs they were being told to hold up. These kids are being brain washed into thinking that this is right and that was the hardest part for me to see. This is the kind of behavior that perpetuates hatred, conflict, inequality and many other forms of hatred.
What made me laugh is this guy walked over to their side of the street with a sign that read,
"Westboro Baptists Eat Yeast! GOD Hates Yeast! So.. God hates Westboro Baptists" "Come to the best church of GOD 110% Jesus approval rating!" (and we don't eat Yeast)
This guy come to find out is from one of the comedy groups in the area, and some how got onto their side of the street without them even noticing.
Please pray for them! Pray that they stop this, and they stop teaching Innocent children this kind of hatred. Pray that they learn to accept everyone as Gods children and not to judge those who are different.
Haha - I like the people that hold up the "God hates shellfish" signs that mention Leviticus...