I was so excited, Nadia invited me to her church on Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. I had been praying to find a church that had young people going. Here in Sweden Christianity is unfortunately not very popular among young people. God answered and I went!
It was great. Saturday was Komma Hit, a lot of young people gathered and we had fika, there was live music, we sang praise songs and prayed together. I know what you're going to ask, "wasn't it in Swedish?" well yes, yes it was! But I understood most of what was being said, and most of the praise songs we have in English. It was so nice to be with other Christians and of course meeting some new amazing people.
Sunday was regular service and the guest speaker was actually a teacher we had one day this semester! They had a dedication of 2 different babies that morning. It was so moving, and they were so cute! It was a really good service! Again it was in Swedish, but I understood most of it and I had my friends Julius, and Erik to help me with the words I really didn't know.
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