Sunday, January 18, 2009

Introduction Week re-cap

Happy Sunday everyone!! Tomorrow is the first day of school and I'm in at 9am! Most of you know this already but for those who don't... I am NOT a morning person! Although this class sounds real interesting, its called Global Encounters, my concern with this class isn't only that it is at 9 a.m. but that it lasts for 8 hours! Oh yeah! We get an hour for lunch, its like a work week! I am however having a great time here. I have meet some really great people from all over the world! It snowed the other day and for me this was normal, for some of my friends here from Australia and New Zealand this was a first, they were like kids on Christmas! It was great to see them so excited over snow! It reminds me that I need to appreciate the small things in life too.

So, now that this week has come to an end, I thought I'd fill everyone in about the "amazing", "informative", "Welcome to Jönköping" introduction week we've had. I loved this week because everyone is so open to talking to one another. We're all new in this city and we all want to make a few new friends, so this is the week everyone is open to new things, people and experiences. We have gone out an explored our surroundings with no fear in getting lost, we have had to figure out how to open a bank account, where to buy bus passes, how to get home at 2 a.m., where to do our laundry, where the gym is :) and most importantly.. where to buy food. Every night this week however has been a party night! We've been out with the student organizations every night this week, playing games (many of them were drinking type games) and every night (except for Friday and Saturday) we have gone to AKADEMIEN which is the student bar here in Jönköping.
To take a break from all this drinking and 2 a.m parties we decided to go to my favorite place in Sweden... IKEA!!! Sean, Dion, Rudy and I all went to IKEA for some lunch and an afternoon of well... in Sean and Dion's case more drinking! Beer is part of their drink menu and as usual you can go up and refill your water, soda, what ever.. this in Sweden, includes Beer! Crazy Swedes!

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