The trip to Turkey was one of the most amazing trips and experiences of my life. I realized even more how deep my passion for the Middle East truly is. The history, the music, the culture, the people. All these things intrigue me about that part of the world.
Istanbul is made up of two big parts, the Asian side and the European side. Both sides have their own feel, their own ambiance. The European side is also what used to be the Ottoman empire and also known as Constantinople. The history on that side is more then one could ever imagine. The Asian side is made up of a more westernized elegance, with shops, and fancy houses and cars. (speaking of cars, everyone in Turkey loves to honk their horns.. its incredible) There are 7 islands that are all very different, and unfortunately I was only able to do one of them. No motor vehicles are allowed on the island, so the only way to get around is by, Horse and buggy, bike or walking. This island had mansions, and churches, and views that would make anyone go, WOW!
This time I only had a week so I was only able to do Istanbul, but I got to see and learn a lot. I went into a few different mosques while I was there and I am so happy I took that Islam class last semester. I knew what to do, and what not to do. For instance, I knew to bring a sweater (even though it was 21C and about 70F out) because I know walking into a Mosque with a tank top on would not be appropriate and I knew that woman pray separately from the men and not to pry behind the partisans unless I myself wanted to go back there and pray and for sure not to walk up to close to the alter, because that is where the men pray.
I loved that I got this experience and that even in that week my appreciation for others has been able to intensify to amounts that in any other circumstances may not have happened. I was able to apply what I have learned these last few years in just this week. I don't speak Turkish and because the trip was so last minute learning even the basics would have been a challenge, so I went with not only little knowledge of what to expect but with no knowledge of the language, I did how ever go with an understanding of the Turkish culture because of a recent class I took and I have some understanding of Islam (which is the religion of Turkey). Having to use not just my words, but watch my tone, and use my body language to be understood was an amazing experience. Some might have gotten annoyed or would have just moved on to someone else who might have spoken English a little better but I pressed on, and ended up getting exactly what I needed in the end.
The Turkish people are some of the nicest people I have ever met, with of course the typical Middle Eastern temper. I didn't meet anyone whom I didn't like, and who was not as helpful as they possibly could be.
The food was amazing, the music was fantastic, and the elegance of the city was unbelievable. I will go back for sure.
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Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
So I thought it might be a good idea to compare Easter traditions. (Påsk means Easter in Swedish for those of you who didn't know.) In Sweden as well as in the U.S a lot of candy is eaten! And eggs are died fun colors. The thing that is different if how we get that candy as children and what happens with the eggs after their died.
In the U.S children dress up in their fancy Easter outfits, hunt for Easter eggs that the Easter bunny has hidden. When we wake up Easter morning we usually get Easter baskets brought by the same bunny with lots of candy inside! Easter dinner usually consists of Lamb (well in my family anyway) with of course the twice backed potatoes and green beans.

In Sweden it is a little different. Easter dinner is so good, we ate Kötbullar (meat balls), Korv (Sausage), and something with potatoes. Mmmm so good! The trees are decorated with colorful feathers and don't forget the Påskkäring (Easter Witch). Children dress up and go around collecting candy from their neighbors. There is of course lots of candy, and colored eggs, but the what is done with the eggs is really cool. The inside is blown out and used to make waffles or pancakes and then the shell is colored. Some are hard boiled and drawn on instead of colored. So I am sure you are wondering.. what has Easter have to do with Witches? Well..
In the U.S children dress up in their fancy Easter outfits, hunt for Easter eggs that the Easter bunny has hidden. When we wake up Easter morning we usually get Easter baskets brought by the same bunny with lots of candy inside! Easter dinner usually consists of Lamb (well in my family anyway) with of course the twice backed potatoes and green beans.
In Sweden it is a little different. Easter dinner is so good, we ate Kötbullar (meat balls), Korv (Sausage), and something with potatoes. Mmmm so good! The trees are decorated with colorful feathers and don't forget the Påskkäring (Easter Witch). Children dress up and go around collecting candy from their neighbors. There is of course lots of candy, and colored eggs, but the what is done with the eggs is really cool. The inside is blown out and used to make waffles or pancakes and then the shell is colored. Some are hard boiled and drawn on instead of colored. So I am sure you are wondering.. what has Easter have to do with Witches? Well..
It's a silly superstition but this is the history. People believed that witches were especially active back in the day and their black magic was especially powerful during holy week (which starts on Palm Sunday). They were thought to fly off on their brooms to consort with the devil in a place called "blåkulla", returning the following Saturday.
On the Easter morning people usually were a little hesitant to start a fire in their fireplaces. This was because it was thought that the Easter Hags got caught in the chimneys on their way home from Blåkulla and if you sent smoke up the Easter Witchs would come into your home. To be really sure that the chimney was free from magical beings you had to burn 9 different types of trees.
So I hope this helps you a little bit in understanding the differences in celebrating. One thing is the same though, Christians in both places celebrate Christs resurecction and are thankful for his sacrifice. I went to a church service here in Sweden and it was the same message, He is risin, He is risin indeed!Monday, April 13, 2009
The beginings of Spring
I love Sweden in the Spring. Walking around you see people sitting outside enjoying their Fika breaks, soaking in the suns rays. You see people smiling, going for walks and riding their bikes. People change in the Spring time, there is a happy to be alive feeling everywhere. Maybe it's just me, but just seeing that the sun is up when I get up, makes me more excited to start my day.
The air is filled with the smell of fresh cut grass, barbecues, flowers and sweets and lucky for me because I am close to the lake, I can smell the water. There is nothing like it, and I love every second of it.
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